Date: 8/17/2016

By Charlie

I woke up and went to school. I walked out of the school halfway through the day, got in a car with my friends and drove to Brisbane. The teachers were pissed and confused but we still went. When we arrived in Brisbane we checked into the hotel room and watched tv as we drank some alcoholic beverages before the concert. We went for a walk around the city past the Tivoli and noticed that about 20 people had already lined up outside the doors when it was like 3:00pm. We got back to the apartment later on and entered through the front door. We finnished our drinks and headed down stairs to line up walking through the hotels back door and we saw the longest line up ever right outside the door. There was 98% girls and 2% boys. We didn't fit in at all, everyone was dressed up and a lot looked like Melanie. We were three fukboi lookin dudes go to a girly concert. One of my goals was to see Melanie and then pick up a girl which nearly happened but I was too mesmerized by Melanie and the vibes of the show and people to care. Basically we went and saw Melanie Martinez live and had an awsome night at the Tivoli, spoiler alert it wasn't a dream