ive been playing too much minecraft and im a playwright now

Date: 3/20/2021

By tbeck

i go inside a mountain in minecraft and its completely hollow and inside theres a bunch of lava and magma but also all the coral and stuff you would find in an underwater biome and there is this big monster which controls all these little flying monsters and it tells them to attack me but they cant because im in creative mode. me and a group of people are writing a play that has something to do with traveling by boat? in one of the scenes, the main character goes to a religious boarding school where everyone wears dark blue uniforms. they are in a classroom, and one of the students gets up on a table wearing a big poofy white dress to sing a hymn or something. the stage lights flash and we go back and forth from seeing that to seeing the girl with no dress (not naked) and angel wings. its meant to be a will graham-esque hallucination by the main character. theres also a scene of a field trip somewhere on a crowded subway car where some people get into a fight. somehow there is a flying umbrella except its animated.