Date: 10/23/2020
By evp722
I was with some of my classmates sitting at a table. Apparently, we were preparing to go on some sort of haunted house trip and we were talking about it. I said “I’m gonna get lost in there” and my friend burst out laughing at my comment for some reason. I was thinking “how was that so funny?” Then I reunited with my friend AC and we hugged. My AP history teacher (RD) was on a document that I had used to cheat on an assignment. I panicked that she found it, and started coming up with possible excuses/lies in my head to cover it up. My dad drove me and my immediate family to a business that did something (can’t recall exactly what) but ik it was morbid. The building turned out to be some old, cancer-ridden woman’s house. I remember the inside was white and had big windows. I also had cancer, apparently, so I was bald and had a chemo IV in my arm and held an IV stand. The old lady and I had a conversation about us possibly inheriting the house once she died, and she implied that her death was coming soon. I started worrying about my possible death from cancer when she said this.