Digital art, "Look at the "forgotten generation" of "bleeding gums and rotten potato nuns".

Bleeding gums and rotten potato nuns

Date: 12/18/2018

By MsBananaNanner

I lived in this big building which looked like it had once been a fancy hotel or something but was now apartments. I’d ran home to take a quick shower on my lunch break. As I was getting out of the shower I felt this weird pain on the inside of my bottom lip but couldn’t figure out what it was. I heard other people walking around the building and knocking on doors. For some reason I’d thought I was alone in the building and had been walking around in a towel, but I realized how ridiculous it was for me to think that. I quickly changed into my clothes and headed out to return to work. I was really cold out, especially with my wet hair, and I could even see some snow on the ground. My mouth still hurt and when I’d touch my fingers to the inside of my lip they’d come back all bloody. I found this very odd but didn’t know how to make it stop. I tried pressing the sleeve of my jacket to it and hurried across the courtyard into this old stone church. I kept running my tongue over the gums on my bottom front two teeth which were super swelled up detaching from my teeth. It hurt so bad, but I knew the tissue was dead at this point so my only option was to get it out before the infection spread. Slowly, then all at once I pulled the bleeding chunks of my gums out and stared at them in my hand. My whole mouth tasted of blood and I could feel the hole they’d left in my mouth. I was grossed out but moved on rather quickly. I found a narrow staircase and headed up to this attic-like space where the catholic women (they weren’t quite nuns, but similar) ran a daycare for poor kids and orphans. I knew this wasn’t where I worked, but I started helping anyway. It felt like I was hiding from something. The blood loss from the wound in my mouth had slowed, but now I felt so impossibly tired, as though I might pass out at any moment. I helped some kids, but then quietly snuck out back down the stairs. I got to the bottom but then remembered I’d forgotten something upstairs. I had no idea how I’d ever find the strength to climb the stairs again, as I’d nearly fallen down them from pure exhaustion. Nevertheless, I attempted, but was stopped halfway up by one of the nun ladies. She had a box of fruit in her arms and asked if I’d help pass them out to the children as they came down. I tried my best to look normal and agreed. I passed out pears and apples and oranges and such, one to each kid, as they filed down the stairs. At the bottom of the crate were potatoes, tough I’d thought they were pears at first. I picked one up to hand to one of the workers, but realized it was all moldy and had squishy spots. “Ew, this one is rotten. Let me get you a different one,” I said. I picked up another, but it was the same. A small girl who’d been straggling behind wriggled up in front of the lady apologizing for being late. I smiled and reached into the box. I pulled out a perfectly fine pear. I reached once more for one for the worker lady but again, only bad potatoes. “Huh, that’s weird, it only happened when I tried to give one to you,” I added, seeing that all the other potatoes in the box were completely rotted. “Maybe they forgot to put enough fresh ones in and these are leftover from last week?” She leaned over to me and quietly but very directly said, “that’s because it’s what we are. You and me? We’re the forgotten generation. The corrupt generation. Left in the bottom of the box to rot and turn to mush.”

AI generated interpretation This dream may be symbolic of a feeling of disconnection from your peers, and feeling like an outsider in your current environment. The bleeding gums could signify a sense of vulnerability and fragility due to feeling out of place. The rotten potato nuns could be a representation of the people around you who are perceived as powerful and untouchable, whilst you feel like a rotten potato, powerless and forgotten. This could be indicative of a fear of being judged or rejected by those around you.