Playing the Candy Escalator Game Over and Over Again

Date: 2/20/2019

By fluffytree

Dreamt I was at some anime convention with thousands of people attending and the event I was lining up for was some sort of concert. It seemed familiar like I went last year. I was alone and not with any group, however, I was coincidentally standing behind this girl I used to follow on Instagram named "Ms. Pixie" along with her friends. They don't know me since I am just some random guy who watches her YouTube videos and used to follow her Instagram, but at least I'm not completely alone in a sense and there's some familiarity. We stand in a seemingly endless line waiting to be seated but there's no seats. Everyone is either standing or sitting on the floor. The line does move pretty quickly though. Also the weird but cool thing is that if you were first in line then you were gonna be in the very back of the concert while the end of the line people will be closer to the front. Seems unfair if you were waiting in line hours before it started compared to someone who just decided minutes ago to attend, but it worked out for us since we were near the back. About 20 minutes later the concert starts proper and a guy gets up to greet the audience as well as announce what would be happening tonight, and to our surprise there would be no concert. Instead we were to play a particular game. Now I forget the name of it but you get a paper plate and move along on a predetermined course that went around the hall and up the escalators to higher floors. Scattered about are loads of candies and other sweets, even cupcakes and slices of actual cake. The goal is to simply collect as much as you can onto your plate and try your best to keep everything on there. If you spill anything then it's gone and if you drop your plate you lose and have to begin again. I ended up playing this game about 4x because I kept getting so greedy and trying to pack tons of stuff onto my plate where I ultimately ended up dropping it along the way. I couldn't believe that I kept dropping it though but my urge to get the big things like cupcakes and cake slices is what would always be my downfall cos the plates were already flimsy anyway. Adding more weight to one side made it easy to suddenly bend and spill everything on it. By the 4th go I think the game was called to an end and everybody began reassembling in the main hall, but then some chaos started and some guy on a higher floor began yelling and throwing stuff down below that could really hurt someone. He threw down a chair, then a metal pipe, and then something small and hard like rocks. I was almost hit several times and people got scared and started shifting away from the area. I didnt know what was the guy's issue but maybe he was mad cos he didn't manage to keep anything from the candy game. Anyhow, I woke up during all the commotion and that was it.