Hot Dog Paninis and the Millinium Falcon

Date: 7/18/2017

By weaselpuppy

There was a part before this but everyone I ever went to school with exept the kids at Anderson where eating at the Emerson, we stood in a line and looked at all the different types of paninis (it is a type of grilled sandwich, don't make it wrong you perverts) most of the sandwiches had hotdogs in them for some reason and the rest where unidentified. when I tryed to ask the guy behind the counter what was in them he wouldn't say or I just could not hear him, finally he handed me a panini that was on the top row and I peald it open to see what was inside. He gave me a strange look and I handed the thing back to him and said I would take it, he proceeded to put in one of those red baskets with the sriped paper in it and gave the sandwich back to me. I went outside and sat in the shade with Bella and Kate. Bella had brought lunch from home and Kate had been behind me in the line for paninis, there was other food as well I think but who would want it when we could have paninis? Kate had complained about the hotdogs and said she would never eat a hot dog panini, but as soon as we got out side the paninis changed to discusting hotdogs covered in melted cheese and other unknown substances. Just as soon as that happened people came and crowed over pushing us out of the shade, we tried to find a new spot but they kept following us until we sat in the sun. it was while we where in the sun that I saw that the entire park that we where eating in was covered by one of those electronic forcefield things that are in star wars and star trek, then as I am watching the Millinium Falcon sores through the sky and heads sight for us. It started shooting at us and everyone is running around in a panic and it eventually breaks through the forcefield, it was shooting red lasers, that is when I woke up.