Vivid detailed sex dream 2

Date: 3/11/2017

By Love

So this is my second dream as I am a vivid sexual encounter dreamer. So here it goes: So I was with a blonde headed woman. She was thin and curvy. She had large breasts, a thick ass and a thin stomach. We were first have sex in the shower which started off with us fondling with each other and then her kneeling down and beginning to suck my dick. As she finished giving me a phenomenal blow job I then quickly grabbed her by her cheeks, gave a her a love filled kiss and then turned her around and told her to put her hands against the wall. Once her hands were against the wall, ass facing me, I then inserted my penis and began to thrust. She moaned with pleasure. When she began to cum I thrusters harder and forced myself into orgasm and slowly withdrew my penis and cam on her back.