
Date: 4/13/2017

By tiptipkitten

I was a princess with red curly hair and today was my coronation. I ask the family magic person for if I looked alright she said yes but we need to change your hair color. I went on to say that this hair color is me and I'd never change it. She insisted that I change it by saying "we gotta keep the people interested" and she held up a bottle of purple dust. For some reason changing it seemed like I really bad idea to me so I ran away from her. In the distance I heard her saying that I'll change one way or another. I got to the place we're me and some other people my age sat for the coronation. I walked in and everyone (about seven people were in there) got silent. I sat down and I heard muttering how in was better when she wasn't here. I sadly grabbed some dry noodles that were on the table. I think I had a change of dream here I was at an ice skating rink with some people I know. I was at the checkin counter and the person manning looked at me suspiciously. I ask him "you need to be sixteen?" He nodded then handed me the skates. I looked the friend next to me and smiled because I wasn't sixteen quite yet. I skated around for a while when someone decided to play a game with guys on one side and girls on the other. I was planning on sitting this one out but one of my friends called me over. I don't remember anything else.