We Can Be Beautiful

Date: 9/3/2017

By InvisabelleSpasian

I had to help the drama kids perform the first song of Heathers for a upcoming pep rally during the end of Homecoming Week. At first, I was just the photographer, taking photos of them preparing themselves in the gymnasium and rehearsing their lines and stunts. (I was the Clubs and Organizations Manager in Yearbook my senior year.) I also walked around and took photos of the cheerleaders and some band members until I was at the other end to go through what photos I had at that moment. It was close to the bell ringing for all the students to make their way inside when a kid ran up to the drama teacher, saying the girl who was supposed to play as Veronica had to be picked up early due to family issues. Totally stressed out, the drama panicked, trying to find a replacement until she noticed me a pointed me out. She asked if I knew Heathers and if I had heard the song "Beautiful." Oddly enough, I had, even though I haven't heard of the musical until many months after I graduated, and I just stared at her, awkwardly nodding. She thought I was a miracle sent from heaven and said that I was to be Veronica immediately as soon as possible. Before I could object, she quickly explained what I needed to do and turned around, hustling the other kids to get to their places. The bell rang, and soon, the gym was completely filled with students, the grades sitting in the appropriate sections of the gym. The band started playing, the Alma Mater playing loudly as the cheerleaders do their poses to the beat. Then, the teachers and faculty followed behind to be near the doors and the stairs to make sure that the students don't try to sneak out and skip. I saw my Yearbook teacher, who approached me and asked if I'm ready to take photos. Nervously, I nodded, which amused her as she took notice. She said I'll be fine and that I could just avoid the people if it made me feel better and help me take photos. But she doesn't know what's going to happen. And honestly, neither did I. We all stood up and did our national anthem as the kids from Chorus Club sang in harmony and instructed by the chorus teacher. After finishing and heading back to their seats, the principal walked to the podium up to the microphone. The principal had to do his usual speech and announcements as it was Homecoming Week, so he talked to us for a bit until he introduced the drama kids and the Heathers parody skit they planned on doing. Some grabbed some props and prepared themselves to the center of the court. I caught a glimpse of the drama teacher starting at me with hopeful and anxious eyes. Awkwardly, I trudged myself forward, tightly gripping onto my camera with sweaty hands. I glanced around to see the kids looking at me with great curiosity. I almost felt really sick to my stomach, but I began to turn on the camera and started recording as I pointed it at my face. I shut my eyes, took a deep breath, and opened my eyes again as I focused on staring at the lens. "September 1, 1981... Dear Diary..." The band played, and I continued my dialogue, vlogging myself as I acted out the Veronica I imagined. I watched the drama kids smoothly take their parts, from their teasing and harassing to Ram And Kurt (who were these actual nerdy jocks, Nicolas was Ram and Ben was Kurt) being assholes and Martha (that was Ashlie) scaring me and us being in our propped cafeteria. Then, the Heathers came into the door right in cue, looking effortlessly flawless in their costumes. McNamara was Mary-Catherine, Duke was Christina, and Chandler was Jamilah. They were meant to have those rules; they were meant to be the Heathers. And they sang just as beautifully as they looked, and it made me self-concern about myself because they are just amazing and talented and perfect, and I felt like the stem that needed to be plucked off the cherries. That or the character of Veronica was really getting to my head. Soon, there was the part where I succeeded in ditching them out from detention with a forged hall pass from Mrs. Fleming (that was Audrey) and the Heathers decided to help me out by giving me a complete makeover. They literally dragged me out of the gym it into the hall section to the girl's bathroom, with some clothes hanging in a door. My perspective shifted to third-person back in the gym, high from the ceiling, with the kids watching the rest of the play continue on. Kurt and Ram messed around with the nerd (wonderfully acted by the wonderful Jake) as the students of Westernburg High continued on their daily high school lives until Mrs. Fleming pointed out the Heathers being with a stranger. The ante built up as the band crescendos gradually add the Heathers were reintroduced again, all the kids and the teachers staring at them as they strutted out of the door to the center of the gym, posing as everyone now stared at the door. I walked out with new clothes, black lacey shirt and a short denim-like shirt, black tights and black wedges. My hair was now wavy and kinda messy, and I had black jewelry like a choker necklace and black pearl earrings. My perspective shifted back to first-person, making me feel my heart ready to buy it of my chest as everyone stared at me. I began to feel sick again, like I was riding a boat on ugly waves. That was when I realized it was all a dream. Taking a deep breath, I sang my heart out, hearing the cheers of good friends and claps from astonished classmates and nearly muted exclaims from teachers. I made my way to the center behind the Heathers, being lifted by Ran and Kurt onto their shoulders, finally ending the song and getting applauded until I woke up.