Yokai Watch Live Action Movie?

Date: 1/28/2021

By SkyDreamer

I dreamt my mom left my dad. I don't know the reason, just that it happened. Later my dad took me and my brother to a mall. While there I went up to a barista in a coffee shop. I bought the things I had bought the other day at the Asian mart, like the instant coffee. In another part of my dream I was a part of a live action Yokai Watch movie. I recognized the lines that the actors said and smiled when I heard them. Katie, the female romance was there, and she looked Asian with a white shirt on and a blue skirt. Her outfit looked like a Japanese school uniform. Later, Whisper, the Yokai butler, was being played by a little Asian boy. He also looked like he had on a Japanese school uniform. The little boy disappeared then, and became the iconic white ghost with blue lips. I then remembered an odd detail. It looked like the dream was panning into a factory of some sort. SpongeBob was hanging off a swinging wooden pole and moving back and forth. I woke up and wondered what this all could mean.