Date: 5/27/2017
By Fitful
I was in a room, some common room with low tables, legs raising them barely inches off the floor, and tea being served. I had a few people over, close people, allies. We were drinking tea and using interesting methods of communication. Each time it was our turn to have a say someone would use a new method. While someone was giving a speech, a veritable oratory, I got the urge to throw up. I noticed it, when it seemed very likely to actually happen I rushed to the sink and began vomiting. The vomit wasn't liquid and didn't pour out of me, I stead it was thick and crumbled and I had to force myself to throw it up just to dislodge it from staying stuck in my throat. After I finished it was my turn to speak, and I spoke in song creating one out of thin air. It said what I wanted to convey. Others responded and it was the same song I answered in on my next turn, despite the rules. I was a little shaken from the vomiting to concentrate on the game. Suddenly two wizards, they had robes and wands who knew what kind or genre of wizards they belonged to, who had been old friends suddenly appeared and shot fire spells at me. They fell short, either the distance was a bit to great or someone had stopped them. They waved a letter in their hands, written on crabbed writing and hieroglyphics of some lost ancient form. One was very upset at the glyph which appears to be a letter written and turned sideways and shrunk to the size of all the other glyphs. He asked me of I meant it, and I replied in words which were affirming but studiously puzzled. ~ A brief still shot of a woman's bare back being rubbed and soaped with a lather by a multitude of hands. It wasn't sexual, but it was similar to a massage.