I dreamt this exact dream before.

Date: 5/28/2018

By Nuclear

The dream I had this morning... While it was happening I remembered it being not the first time. We were a group of ppl, in a huge pyramid maze, running up and down stares for our lives, 2 stone giants were chasing after us.. One was red and the other sandish yellow, they looked like jewels. We kept running for out lives in a group, me and my friend were trying to think what to do.. Eventually we faced them. He was knocked into the ceiling by one of their firsts, and he fell down on top of the other's head.. Something happened there while he was mashed against the giant's body... He merged with him and took control, long story short he was as strong as the other one and he knocked him down and gave me the opportunity to 'consume' the other, the red one. A big flashy explosion happened and then we looked at each other, as giants we had a different form than how they looked, we looked like hybrid stone humans.. We found the exit and then realized only me and my friend could exit through it with out stone bodies.. But the others couldn't, I tried destroying the walls but they were made of some special material, thin but as strong as a thick metal wall... Woke up.