Demons, Apex, and climbing

Date: 4/14/2020

By TheDude

It started with Nick and I in a house, and there was a spell book and wand. I performed the demon repellent spell, which temporarily put an aura around me painful to demons and also allowed me to see them. There were 2 demons in the room with us, even though they looked liked Janet from The Good Place. Nick and I ran out, grabbing what we could. We hopped in a car (me driving, him in the back), but I was still paranoid. I tried repeatedly to get the spell right from memory and using a pen as wand, as we had left behind the spell book and wand in our haste. I finally got it right, and there was a demon in each of the seats next to us! I pull over at the nearest mall and we run inside, and the demons follow us. I reactivate my aura, and stab the one demon to death using my pen/wand. The other goes to help her friend, and I stab her some too, and run after Nick, but I can’t find him. *dream shift* I am at outside a collection of warehouses at night, playing Apex Legends in real life as Bangalore. I have a tough fight, but beat the other person, then thirst them. A really good Pathfinder that was their teammate chases after me, and I repeatedly shotgun him in the face, as he tries to punch me with his boxing gloves, but it does nothing. I run away, and he chases me into the nearest warehouse. I make it through a door, temporarily buying me time as i trapped him inside it. I then get away because a crowd of other people run by outside the warehouse. The dream shifts to some kind of party at the warehouses. I see one with a ladder to the roof and begin climbing it. Twice while I’m climbing, people race past me, and get to the top before I do. As I’m right at the top, two girls catch up to me from the bottom. Based on our arm and leg positions, we’re kind of stuck, and dangerously high up. We discuss how to get out of the situation for a few minutes, until suddenly one of the girls is on the ground, and it’s only 4 feet away. The other girl easily climbs down, and so do I. I bid them goodbye, and walk away. The dream shifts to me in some kind of extreme skate/snowboard race, wherein I meet another of the demons from before, the one I didn’t kill. I attempt to follow her, but she’s a better boarder than me. The track leads to back to the town from before, and I search for the demon, even though it’s the dead of night. I enter this one house, and the whole family is sleeping in their living room chairs for some reason. Except one of the young boys is awake. I sit down next to him, and ask if he’s okay. He half cries that he can’t sleep, and looks at me. His eyes are horribly red, almost as if he is dead. I activate my aura, and touch him to cleanse him of what I suspect to be a demon, but nothing happens. Then the dream ends.