Date: 7/6/2018
By Purpeldreams
Ok so this dream is all over the place it starts off with me,Pauline,ana and Alondra at the back of Walters doing some type of drug and it’s weird cause Pauline just passing me a toothpick and I’m Just-smoking it and then I leave to go home.And when I get home it seems like a computer lab cause like there’s a butch of seats but the each have a computer on them and then I’m just going around and see my family and I try to watch the movie there watching on what seems like a overhead and I can’t cause me eyes keep shutting themselves (I’m obviously high ) and like when the shut for a long time I open them and everyone is gone and then I see a video recorder and I looked at the video recorder and I see that it’s me but I’m doing something different than what I thought I was doing but I think I was just really high or really drugged and I didn’t know what I was doing and what was reality and what wasn’t. So then I go to the bathroom and I see my hair is puffy and frizzy and this purple and blue highlights throughout my hair and it’s like my hair is that it’s like A grayish/ blondish color and it looks so ugly. And then my mom comes in and I ask her what the hell happened to my hair and I start crying and my mom says “ está bien sólo de agarrar producto de la caja para sacarte el color de pelo” And so we start taking the color out of my hair and my and my brother comes in and he says he’s getting a call from someone so answer it and it’s a guy and it wasn’t my dad because I know my dad‘s voice and it wasn’t anyone that I knew. And I Anwser it and the guy says “Jonatan ya llegó Cecea a tu casa o no” And Im like (Who the Fuck is this man) and I Anwser like mad af “ si ya llegué a la casa que chingados quieres tu??!” And he answers me back “ Cecia? Mira no me puedes hablar así..” And i cut him off and I’m like “Shut up mira Fuck you bye” and I hang up and my mom just keep fixing my hair and cutting it and I ask who the fuck was that guys and my like says he’s a friend it bothers me Cause I feel like he’s trying get at my mom which in my head is the fuckin worst and I hate it so much.And then my mom finally finishes with my hair and I go outside and for some reason I’m trying to gather a group (huffelpuffs) to fight the slyterians (Ik super weird) and I go around what seems like a school campus to find people to join my group and I into your classroom when I see you guys are athletics and I choose from those guys Eric,Tony,Lance, and Anthony (Daisy’s cousin) and then we walk out the classroom and I’m asking to look for more athletic guys and I think of oh terry and jailen go find them and while I’m out alone I find Terry and we’re just walking and walking and terry starts getting closer and he starts trying to grab my hand and he does and he adjusts his grip and starts hold my hand (and like I wasn’t stopping him like Oof ) and then we start walking towards seems like a staircase that leads up to the mall such type of thing and I see Isaac and Oscar (Cody’s bestfriends) and I’m thinking Cody’s gonna be over there and he’s gonna seen me holding on to terry and for some reason I care but I want him to see so he can’t get like I Don’t know jealous 🤦🏾♀️ (I’m such a hoe I swear) and then as we get closer I see that Cody’s not there but we keep walking up the steps and Terry is just holding my hand the whole way and we get to top it seems like a circular place and inside i see coach roman and another coach are inside and I didn’t see any door which was weird. But then I see there’s a way down and it’s some escalators and terry starts walking towards there and we start going down and he just holding my hand the whole time. And when we get to the bottom I start leading the way while holding his hand and when I turn back to talk to him he’s not there and I for some reason think that I’m still drugged and that he is there but I just can’t see him so I’m getting paranoid and scared and all that shit.And I see him pop out from the corner and a song starts playing and it’s a group of girls singing about love and terry comes out with a guitar and he confesses that he likes me and Oof wth was even going on and at the end of my dream we start walking off and I go through my phone and I’m on Almas’s snapchat story and I see a video of me and terry holding hands and it’s seems like she was shocked to see that which made me feel like we weren’t made to be together (Cause in guessing it was my head saying come on Cecia your two whole different people) and terry saw what I was looking at and he starts talking about how I shouldn’t care what other people think cause he’s the one that’s likes me and he then kisses me and starts getting handys and I feel like a whole rush of emotions and it wakes me up and that’s we’re it ends 🤷🏽♀️ this dream was just super interesting and weird and idek 💀💀