Final Destination, Thailand, and Memory Loss

Date: 6/18/2019

By dreakee

Cast: Me Justin-crush Evan-his brother Lina-my sister Zoë-ex bff Taylor- her bff Ellena- her bff Leorio- from Hunter x Hunter Chapter 1: Zoë had invited all of us over to study or play DND or something like that. I was at the house with Taylor, Ellena, and Zoë. Zoë ended up stressing me out somehow and I began to scratch my head, but I couldn’t forget about the dandruff. I looked down at my finger nails and there was blood. I got off the ground and looked where I was leaning against the wall and there was blood where I rested my head. I noticed a wet wash cloth she had just laying around and I used that to try and clean it off the walls. It made it worse. Chapter 2: I knew that something weird was going to happen. After I tried to clean the mess, I went back to the group and Zoë said something that made me think of Final Destination. I rushed over to where I left the wash cloth and I grabbed it and threw it away from the electrical sockets. Taylor followed me into that room and she and I saw the table catch on fire in our peripheral visions and we screamed. We tried to put it out and Zoë came in to see what was going on and yelled at me for setting her table on fire. Chapter 3: Justin, Evan, Lina and I were running from something. We had to jump into a violent body of water. Justin was holding a camera that had low memory on it. For some reason it mattered to have some memory left in there. It’s like we didn’t even know each other. The water reached up, grabbed me, and pulled me under. We didn’t really remember who anyone was except ourselves. Justin and Evan were peacefully floating in this violent water. Lina tried to get onto some higher ground that was safe enough for all of us. I came up out of the water, gasping for air. Lina grabbed my hand and pulled me out. I felt a bond with her. Justin stopped at a picture in his camera. Evan went to check and see what he was looking at. It was a picture of me. He didn’t remember who I was but he saw that he had some past photos of me in his camera. Evan looked at me and smiled. “He’s remembering.” He said. I got this confused look. Evan pulled out his phone and showed me all of these pictures from graduation, disneyland, and places that I didn’t even recognize where Justin and I were there, looking really happy together. All the memories flooded back to me. Lina was my sister. Justin was my crush. Evan was his brother. We were late for getting to the airport. Chapter 4: We rushed to the line for the airport, which honestly just looked like the Great Wall of China (weird that we were in Thailand). We looked ahead at the line where little kids were carrying backpacks. We noticed basically everyone was wearing small backpacks. We, on the other hand, were carrying an umbrella, beach chairs strapped to our backs, suitcases and well, you get the deal. Leorio (from Hunter x Hunter) walks up to us. He says,”I see you guys are being vintage when it comes to your traveling.” We we’re confused. He pointed out how everyone in Thailand nowadays only travels with as much as a small backpack. He saw that I had strawberries and asked if he could have one. I warned him that they were probably about 25 years old (that’s how weird the deja vu felt). He said he didn’t care and that he’d had strawberries now back from when he was in high school. He took one and it was full of mold. I cringed in disgust and kept walking as the line moved. We ended up jumping into a moving body of water and I woke up.