Among Us

Date: 11/14/2020

By UpstreamDreams

It was basically among us, but on a massive scale (like, 30+ players per game) There were a handful of races/classes that you could pick from including druid like people, pirates, and even a golem/robot sorta thing. The mc was the golem class, which was a phenomenally difficult class to play and he was the only one of his race. The goal was to find the person/race who had the catalyst and claim it for yourself and activate it. The golems could scan anyone within their line of sight and determine almost right away if they had the catalyst. They were quick, but didn't hit hard, and were always targets because they could tell who had it and often ended up with it fairly quickly, so golem players had to know the ins and outs of every map to be able to hide and traverse safely to activate the catalyst. This guy was like, the top tier golem player and was damn good at what he did, having a skill tree that allowed him to travel easily through any environment in place of any attack or defense bonuses, just focused on being faster than everyone else.