Stationed in Minnesota

Date: 8/30/2019

By Onii

First things first, I am not in the military. No affiliation besides coincidentally moving to military towns growing up. The weird thing about the dream is that it happened backwards—so it started with me in Minnesota and ended with me leaving for Minnesota. I don’t know. It was all out of order. It begins that I’m playing in the snow with these two neighborhood kids. From context it seems like I just moved next door to them. “Do you like snow?” “Do you like it here?” Yadda yadda yadda we continue to run in the snow before it’s time to head back in. I then wake up to being in my old house with my family, but I’m dressed in uniform. I’m rushing to get all my things together to leave and I wake my younger brother up to get his gun. After he hands it to me I run downstairs which ended up morphing into the bus station. The gun kept going off periodically but there weren’t any bullets in it. I put it in a bag and left it with the other luggage and got on the bus. Then I woke up.