Psycho zombie

Date: 1/14/2019

By Rose2019

I remember back when I was little and lived in our old trailer back when my parents were together and I’d watch a lot of zombie movies with my dad and my bro was still living with us. I went to bed one night as usual and I had a nightmare which wasn’t unusual back then, I had a lot of bad dreams and anxiety all the time. This one was different though, we were running around for a while from zombies and end up in this weird basement apartment and when we come back up there’s a zombie waiting for us at the door but I bolt for it, I’m really scared but my brother gets caught and the zombie bitch drags him to the door and smashes his head into the bottom of the door over and over just staring at me from across the road knowing I’m too scared to help and I’m screaming. Around this point he dies and I wake up to scared to go back to sleep and my brothers face just keeps going through my mind. I’ve had this dream before and I always have to stay up and calm myself down till I can go back to sleep other wise I’ll have the dream again.