Date: 9/30/2019
By CalMehJuly
After my speech. I patted my crush's back who was eating this big bowl of chicken. We standed in a crowd. We were in the middle of it. He got out a black box and crouched on one knee. Will you marry me? The box had a blue diamond ring. Sparkling and the people wooing. I was surprised..after the speech I never thought someone would like me. I was being very rebellious and unladylike BEFORE. We then walked to another place where it was quiet. I told him my thoughts. He said it was fine and loved me for it anyway. I was about to say yes until... 🎶 🎶 🎶 🎶 🎶 A FRIEND OF MINE FROM WORK DANCED AND PEOPLE AROUND HIM DID A MUSICAL NUMBER. He sang in rhymes. All the time. He sang on how much he loved me and proposed to me. I didnt know what to say. I was thinking how the other guy was better for me. But when walking back to him I saw him close up with another girl with a lor of lipstick on. Furious I accepted the other guy's proposal. I actually do like both of them. But i was blinded by the ring This anothee guy who sang for me and everything deserves my heart more. I thought. Everyone was suppose to go on this train to travel the world. I told me we could do it on our own. By walking driving on our laptop phone tv books on OUR OWN. ❤ TOGETHER ❤