Date: 12/19/2017
By HarleyQuinn
My dream first started off with me observing an elementary school. I noticed there was another observer and I introduced myself to him. While the observer was literally Bill Skarsgard(idk if i’m spelling his last name correctly), he wasn’t famous in my dream. the students were doing class work as expected, when all of a sudden there was an announcement coming from the speaker. I couldn’t understand what was being said, and both me and Bill looked at each other with a confused face. The teacher somehow understood what was said, and randomly picked ten students and told them to grab their belongings. The teacher asked me and Bill if we wanted to stay in the classroom. I said no, as I was curious as to where the students were going. Bill agreed with me, giving the same explanation as well. As I was walking towards the door, I decided to turn around to ask Bill something but when I did, Bill was nowhere to be found. I saw his jacket was on the floor, so I picked it up and held on to it in case I saw him again. I followed the students out the door and into the hallway. I saw them go down these stairs which led to a tunnel or hole, and from it I could hear screaming. I wanted to find out what was in there so I decided to follow them. Before I even got to go down the stairs, my dream completely switched. I was now i’m some type of abandoned village that seemed to be in the middle of a jungle, and I was upset over the loss of a dog I actually lost in real life. A random family member stuck their hand into some pond and handed me a puppy. This must have switched something because then giant bugs were crawling up and we had to find a way to escape. while half of my family members fought the bugs, the other half was looking for a way to escape. I was still holding onto the puppy, since I somehow knew that if I put it down it would begin crying. there were some stairs that I was able to go up and get out of the village, but as soon as I took the first step, I woke up.