Date: 1/1/2017
By Jimmy
I was in my home when i felt up on my gums and i didnt have my flipper in so i was confused at first then i found it i forget how but it was all weird looking and wasn't right then i thought am i dreaming? And did a reality check by holding my nose and trying to breath and i could! Then i did a 2nd RC for good measure but when u tried to put my thumb through my hand the hand i was putting it through jumped to the left then i was like yup im dreaming haha so ofcourse i had swx on my mind right away so i told my aelf there would be a girl behind me from school i turned around and didnt see her but saw the place was differnt it had a random loft in the middle of the living room i started to lose the dream cause half my vision was going black so i started screaming CLARITY NOW and it worked!!! so i headed to the bedroom and there the girl was i didnt really have sex i just remember taking her clothes off then i 'wokr up' in the dream still this is a common occurence for me so i tried to get up but my perspective stayed where i was so i layed back down and told my perspective to go with me and it did so then i had to take a piss and i was thinking pissing in a dream?? Will i piss myself in bed?? i didnt really care i just went to the toilet and boom my best friend was there and we both started pissing in the toliet i know weird but anyway my dick when i was pissing kept bending fucking backwords!! I didnt freak out cause i knew i was dreaming and just held it down so it wouldnt move then i was walking to the living room when i had to clear up my vision again then my mom came out and told us to go to bed and was mad then she went back to ger room so i was going to go for round 2 with the girl when i felt my eyes closed and when i opened them i was back in real life this is the longest lucid dream i have had so for in my next one if i can remember i want to try go get out of my home all of them have took place in my home hope u enjoyed it HAPPY NEW YEARS!