Late for a trip?

Date: 3/23/2020

By KawaiiVixen09

So I was frantically packing and then I hopped into the shower, quickly scrubbing my hair and jumped out. I was late for school, except I was at my grandparents place in BC. I ran out, the clock said 11:45 “IM LATE” I screamed, running back to pack things. I ran to my mom with my stuff. She told me that she and my brother were going to America while me and my dad were going to Vietnam. “Alright” We went to the airport and when I exited, there was a carnival set up being blown away by wind and parents scrambling to get there kids off rides. One mom looked at her kid “You need to get off!” Screamed the mom “I don’t want to” “You know ___ puked on this ride” I ran past, then I was on a dirt road. I was walking and then we got to where some people in my school were. I saw a bunch running in a clump, so I panicked and jumped onto a conveniently placed ledge. 2 people I could make out (plus one that felt familiar) came up to me and chatted. The one that I kinda dislike irl was friendly in my dream and gave me a fist bump while the other girl said “so how’re you doin” And I said “I don’t know I’m in Vietnam apparently” and she said “Yeah, that’s basically it!” And laughed. I think I got down and walked more and then I woke up. Maybe being in quarantine is effecting my dreams