Role Playing Cameras

Date: 9/14/2019

By myme

I had a dream just recently where when our fetus comes out of the persons body, we were behind them. Throughout their whole entire lives, we were like the camera operators sort of like in a third person game. We were able to move at light speed, but we had to always return to our body. Our bodies slump like lifeless dolls when we were not there. We had to make sure they fed themselves and groomed themselves and timely sought to daily duties. Otherwise, we could socialize with each other and say hi while our bodies slumped over and often they started drooling. Also make sure if you are getting distracted to slump them down somewhere safe or soft before you leave them because they would just drop and they could injure themselves. That always happened to me. What I didn’t understand was what we actually needed them for. I guess it was because we were just bored, so we played dolls with ourselves. I also wondered if we could switch dolls, but nobody, I mean, nocamera figured that out.