Social Studies Exam

Date: 11/24/2018

By smparsons111

I was back in college. I was in my car, and there were a few girls in the car as well, going through my things and trying to steal my stuff. I ended up yelling at them to get out of my car and they eventually left. I drove to my next class. This was a social studies class, and it seemed that I forgot about it and haven't been attending the class for a little while. I came to the classroom and there was an exam about to happen. Of course I wasn't prepared. I sat at a table with a few other friends and started to tackle the exam, but didn't really know what I was doing. There was also the pressure that I had to leave class early to do something else important, but I don't remember what it was. When it came close to the time I had to leave, I wasn't even done with the first page of my exam, whereas the people around me seemed to be making great progress.