
Date: 2/22/2021

By Sssmorgann

Graduation along highway 69, terrifying red swirls and millions of birds, ominous, but juts because if the commotion. Brayan and Brandon and me at Tyler movie theater, Brayan hacking pokemon stuff for people, Brandon just playing pokemon. Me just wanting pineapple soda that I had earlier in the dream but lost :c the movie theater lady called the police on Brayan. All 3 of us got ticketed, and I tried to talk the cop out of mine because I was just chilling. Heidi went to restroom ahead of another girl and that other girl was salty Boiled an egg but then there were 2 warbler chicks in it and they were alive so I carefully got them out and everyone told me to care for them while they lived because nobody has been able to keep wild hatchlings alive into adulthood :c