
Date: 11/24/2018

By nateplusplus

My wife and I were in a city in Europe, which was sort of a blend of Florence, Italy and Barcelona, Spain. I was trying to determine exactly where we were but couldn’t quite figure it out. A large traffic circle was in front of us, surrounded by stone apartment buildings with elaborate bay windows. Straight ahead was a small, gothic cathedral. We walked right, through some streets to a hill that overlooked the city. I could see large monuments and ruins protruding up above all the other buildings. Our destination was a large circle of free-standing marble columns. Each was covered in elaborate reliefs. Arches connected most of the columns to each other, but some were broken. When we arrived, my friend PJ was working at the entrance as a greeter/security. He had been at all the places we visited on our trip and I was impressed by his ability to be paid to travel. I woke up.