Different Planet = Air Bad

Date: 9/22/2020

By Ellainc

I dreamt that my mom and I basically travelled different planets together i guess to see what lived on them, if anything, and what they were like. When we would pick a planet to travel to we barely had any travel time and we were always tied together with a tube that secured my air supply as I was always behind her. I remember being on a planet that my brain made up that I don't remember the name of. The skies were darker but purple and the grass was a blue green color. On the ground I saw a cat with three or four nursing kittens, the cat and the kittens were all white. The mama cat looked a bit different from a normal cat but only in its curlier tail shape and longer body. I said "Awww space cat!" And then continued on with my day. At some point my mom and I got separated and it was just me searching planets. But I realized I left the tube that connects me to the air supply on the planet with the kitties on it. I went back down there to get it from I guess the spaceship or space station that were were staying in or something and held my breath while having trouble finding the cord. With the cord in sight, which looked strangely like my phone charger cord, I ran out of breath and couldn't hold it anymore. I took a slight breath to see if I'd die and I didn't but the air hurt to breathe and tasted weird too. I don't remember if I got the cord or not but I remember having to take multiple small breaths before I was able to leave and each time it hurt and tasted nastier than the last. Once I made it back to the space ship/station I wasn't feeling too good. I was coughing a lot and my skin had turned really pale. I stared coughing up blood and green sludge. I don't remember much after that but I remember trying to disinfect some stuff like clothing of mine or something.