Serial killer

Date: 10/18/2018

By Naila

My dad, my brother, my sister and me were on a road trip but I don't know where we were going. We stopped at this hotel that had a nice restourant and a playground in front of it. Dad and I go to the room straight away because we already ate during the trip and nobody was hungry, but my brother and sister decide to go play on a playground (irl they are too old for this). I decide to use hotel's wifi while I can and be on my laptop for a little while and I find someone talking about a murderer that was killing his victims in similar patterns and it was near this motel. They said the victims were usualy children that were away from parental figures, and then I became worried about my sibilings playing outside. I peeked trough the window and on the playground I saw a man that looked similar to the police sketches but I didn't see my siblings. This made me panic even more. I told this to dad but he said I was overreacting and that that guy probably isn't even the killer (excuse me bitch your children might be dying but ok what do I know). I message the staff of the hotel on my laptop and they say they have things under control and for me and my dad no to worry. I went to check the window again but on my way there I saw a shadow trough the glass (the glass had little pattterns on it so it didn't give a clear picture) so I stopped and any plans I had from looking trough the window and going outside, searching for them were compleately erased from my head. I subconciously knew he was the murderer (idk if others can relate to this but in dreams I have some kind of gut feeling of who the preson is or what's gonna happen before it is compleately reavealed to me). The door was already locked and the glass looked tough enough for him not to break (they also have an alram sistem here if you break down the doors) so I wasn't worried about him getting in, but I was still worried how are my brother and sister gonna get in or if they are even alive rn. I tell dad about the figure he says it's probably someone from hotel guarding our door and that I shouldn't worry and I just go to sleep in hope they are alright because I didn't know what to do anymore. In the morning dad wakes me up and tells me there's breakfast downstairs. I ask him about bro and sis and he tells me they are ok, staff took them in and gave them a special room near them, where they could sleep over and nobody would get in, they said they even slept with guns under their pillows. Im happy they are allright and we go to eat downstairs and they are already waiting for us at the table. I tell them how worried I was and that I thought I'd never see them again but they just laugh it off and tell me they were fine and I was overreacting. Soon the waiter arrives and he recognises us and says the last night was probably stressful and dad says: "Yeah, I still need to thank the entire staff for looking out for us." The waiter laughs and says they do it for everyone who comes here with small children, bacause they know about the killer around here, so they try to help out by looking after the families. Dad says he's thankfull they took good care of the siblings and that he's greatful they even sent the guard to our door after we called last night. The waiter looks at him with a confused expression and says he was talking over what happened last night with staff but they never mentioned sending a guard to our door. After that I could feel myself drifting away and waking up...