Lucid dream marathon

Date: 8/7/2022

By Caophi

Woke up early morning around 5am and went on my phone a bit before falling back asleep. Consciously fell asleep and would slip right into lucid dreams. Had a period of 8+ back to back lucid dreams. First started as me walking into my new room and sitting on my pc. Tried typing into computer but letters are always jumbled. Tried to look up my Destiny 2 stats šŸ˜‚ everything looked so realistic but I knew I was dreaming. I was trying to click escape on the keyboard and there wasnā€™t one I could see, but then it manifested instantly. I got bored then went outside. I was in a condo by the beach. I walked out onto the balcony outside and noticed hella boats and jetskis. The ocean looked like a giant wave pool, the waves were violent and rockin up and down fast af. People were getting rocked left and right falling off their boats. One ran into shore. I kept checking my hands throughout this lucid saga and they were always morphing. Shit was crazy Semi woke up and slipped into another one where Iā€™m on the computer. I ran out of ideas for the internet in the lucid dream and decided to look up porn. A fuckin pop up ad came up and Iā€™m like wtf even even in lucid dreams thereā€™s ads. Like this is my dream Iā€™m conscious, how is this possible lol. Had an episode of me peeking out the corner of window blinds and saw snow. Iā€™d cover the blinds and peel them back and it was a whole different season in a different setting. It would flip from snow to rollling hills in the summer, to desert sands. Basically whatever I manifested would appear Another episode where Iā€™m riding in a car with my body out the window. Kept checking my hands and they constantly kept shifting. I would have crooked fingers or extra fingers and shit. The scenery was some war time shit. Had weird machines here and there. I was trying to summon fire in my palms but it would not manifest. However I got some form of energy to glow. I through them at people passing by who I assumed were enemies and they just exploded. There was a convoy of cars behind me and they cheered Had a dream im at my moms house. She kept transforming from a blonde white woman back to her normal form. Im like bro stop shapeshifting this is my dream and she laughed lol. My sister comes in through the front door. Sheā€™s like ā€œmi dengā€ which means black in viet and laughed. Wtf mom šŸ˜‚ sister goes downstairs Last one I remember before waking up: Last dream Iā€™m on top of some sheets and was horny af and manifested a woman. Couldnā€™t get her physical body to come into picture but the sheets had an print of a face and we start making out I could see shapes of lips but the top part was covered in a veil? Anyway we start fuckin. We were kissing and I could see her hands brush on my face. It felt very real. It was like fucking a formless, shapeless entity. I would hear her moan and pant periodically. Then I could hear ass cheeks clapping. Whole time I was 100% ready for this sheet entity to turn into a demon but it never did. Shit was crazy A note during all of these, I consciously knew I was sleeping on my side facing the window in my room. Although my eyes were closed I would usually first manifest a scene or object and it would slowly come into picture. I used my hands as reference for a lot of these. Getting the hands to come into picture initiated the dream very well and I felt like I discovered a new technique for myself. When I felt like I was losing picture or the dream I would look at my hands and it would strengthen the dream connection. Woke up around 730. Unreal that 2 hours have passed and I felt like I was in 10 different movies. Also unreal how the brain can both create and perceive images simultaneously