Date: 4/4/2019
By xIMxDollFace
Mom said in passing that she needed a battery for her watch (Mom didn't wear a watch). She didn't directly ask me to get one, she just mentioned it. I felt like it was somehow very important. I wanted her to know that I was paying attention and making sure she had everything she needed. I was at a place like downtown Pomona or downtown Upland. I remember a type of gazebo nearby. It was some sort of warehouse with many vendors and I was at the long glass counter of a jeweler/watch accessory type man. Mom was off to the side. A bit of distance away. I felt like she wasn't near. I'm not sure but I think she was leaving. I was in limbo between wanting to go with her and wanting to get the battery. I wish there was more to it but that is all I remember. I didn't remember right away but mid morning at work ylthe memory of the dream came back to me.