Digital art, After an enjoyable dream where they were hanging out with their crush, Ray, and their friend, Claire, they found themselves in a Mexican restaurant, hoping to join in on the fun by getting a funny hat, only to be disappointed when the register was closed; however, the disappointment escalated when they switched to a horse-drawn cart in a neighborhood and one of the horses inexplicably bit them, leaving them shocked and hurt while their crush tended to the horse instead.

The Horse Bit Me Cause It Just Wanted To

Date: 1/22/2024

By LaurenTheFierce

Had a dream where I was hanging out with my crush, Ray, and my friend, Claire. We were having a good time making jokes and stuff. Even when we went out to this Mexican restaurant. That said, Claire and Ray got funny hats while they were there, and so I wanted one too. However, when I went to go buy one, the restaurant had closed their register. I was so disappointed. Anyways, we then left the restaurant and rode around town. When we got to this one neighborhood though, we then switched things up and traded the car for a horse drawn cart. So, now we were really riding in style. Suddenly though, and without reason, one of the horses fucking bit me. Worst of all, instead of seeing to me, Ray ignored me and tended to the horse that but me. I mean, it didn’t even look upset! He just blamed me for making it mad when I literally didn’t even do anything!