Shopping, falling, cats

Date: 8/9/2022

By Aler

I am going to a big store with my parents. There’s an older man in a blue suit and a long white beard. It turns out that he’s an uncle. He offers to buy us anything we want. We do some shopping, but find it hard to choose something. My father looks at a bike lock, but I explain how it can be picked with common tools. My mother looks at placemats, but they’re too square and made of stiff fabric. I run into a former classmate with an interesting instrument. It’s shaped like a bowl-back mandolin, but large and with many strings. He explains that you fret the strings near the body and pluck them at the neck. Or you can tap the strings using tiny wooden keys built into the head. He shows me how to make a simple chord and it sounds very nice. As we leave the store, we’re falling through the air. My father complains that the owners just leave people 17,000 feet in the air. I don’t believe him, even though we’re clearly falling, and try to explain that it’s a myth. We fall towards a park. We’re going slowly, and no one is hurt on impact. In a second dream, I let my cats out while I get groceries. I immediately regret this, and chase after my white cat to bring him in. My black cat runs across the street and into a neighbors backyard. I am able to get her back, but when I return there are four more black cats on my deck. It’s can’t tell them apart, so I bring them all in. A neighbor comes to collect his cats. He knows which two are his. I can tell which one is mine, because she’s the only one without a white patch on her neck.