Digital art, He is studying sigils, inspired by the similarity of serotonin to the structure of DMT and other elements.


Date: 1/17/2023

By Hoodie_Ninja

I kept saying I wanted this tattoo with serotonin as the bees honey comb And they kept saying no no no you already know that dmt and serotonin they look so similar they’re so many other things that have the same structure as serotonins make up I am now studying sigils

AI generated interpretation Dreams can often represent our innermost feelings, thoughts, and desires. In this dream, the dreamer is clearly interested in the chemistry of serotonin, and is also exploring new spiritual practices. This could signify a desire to explore and understand deeper aspects of the self, such as the connection between physical and spiritual wellbeing. It could also suggest that the dreamer is looking for a sense of control and balance in their life and is searching for new ways to achieve this. Ultimately, the dreamer's interpretation of this dream should come from their own personal perspective and experiences.