brain surgery during corona

Date: 4/3/2020

By salvo

my sisters and I had to all get surgery at the same time. I had a tumor that needed to be removed, my younger sister had a septic tooth, and my youngest sister had something in her chin. They gave us these little pamphlets to talk about our surgeries and told us that we would have to be quarantined for a month because of the virus. I wanted to tell my sisters goodbye so I hugged my middle sister, and tried to hug my youngest sister but she wouldn’t respond to me. After that my grandpa came in to take me into surgery. He doesn’t work in a hospital in real life so I thought it was weird, and while they were prepping me for surgery, I asked him “so will you be doing my surgery today?” And he said “no there’s another surgeon doing it. I’m just helping.” And I was super relieved bc I didn’t want someone with no medical experience operating on my brain. Then I had to wait to go into surgery in one of those glass rooms for smokers. For some reason the room was at the front of a grocery store, and I got bored so I went into the grocery store. I found a little girl and we sang Taylor Swift together, but afterwards I realized I was lost. I started walking around the grocery store and I ran into a girl I graduated high school with and we talked for a while. After a bit, she went to the cafe area to join another group of people I graduated with. They were playing with a ouiji board, and I don’t like those, so I walked away, and then I met Jeff Goldblum.