dream boy

Date: 10/12/2020

By space_tubbs

i had a whole as halloween themed dream. my house was in a culdesac and my friends were over for a small halloween party, but we were also giving out candy to the kids. while i was outside getting some grocery bags from the car, my neighbor randomly started flirting with me. he didn’t say much though, he kept glancing at me from his driveway and being all shy. his name was adrian and he’s 18, but he looked strangely familiar but also not bc i don’t know anyone like that irl. i couldn’t shake the feeling away... anyway at one point my friends and i were gunna get murder and then we made fun of my aunt for saying she can’t celebrate christmas lol. adrian stopped by my house a few times and even gave me a bottle of red wine and left without saying anything. again, i just felt like i’ve seen him some place else. it wasn’t until i woke up when i realized he’s the guy i’ve been seeing in my dreams!! he always appears in my dreams, sometimes faceless, sometimes not, but he’s there. other times i go on adventures with him but every time i meet him i know exactly who he is. but this time was different.... i finally got a name for him.