Dying in purgatory

Date: 2/7/2018

By hotbitch

I’m in a hospital and I’m told to go toilet before an operation I’m about to have. As I’m in there I scratch my leg on something and my eyes roll back and suddenly I’m in another dimension, same room but everything is black and white. My dead mother is staring at me smiling but I can sense dread in her eyes. “Where am I?” I ask confused. “Purgatory, you’re on the edge of death, you will switch in between here and earth until you’re ultimately dead. You’re only here mentally so continue doing what you’re meant to do and your body which is still in life will do it.” I obey, and start peeing, I flush the toilet only to hear my mother gasp. “You shouldn’t have pressed that, its loud noise attracts attention, hide!” She said eyes filled with terror just before she vanishes. Suddenly everything goes cold and shadowy. There’s no where to hide so I press my body into a shadowy corner and prey whatever I’m hiding from doesn’t notice me. A skinny, bone white, bald man with sunken cheeks, dark empty eyes and lipless mouth appears. He radiates the feeling of dread and evil so intense I shudder. His head snaps to my direction. I’ve been spotted. At the blink of an eye he’s right in front of me, so close that if he had a nose, it would be touching mine. “You don’t come in this room again, don’t even look in here, I will be back if you do and I will....” he drags his finger across my throat, his sharp nails leaving a stinging scratch. His voice was a cold rasp but what struck me most about it was how it was both quiet and loud somehow. I blink many times in an effort to control my terror. The colour and warmth in the world has returned. I’m back to life. I process what just happened and realise with a drop of my heart. I’m dying. I will be back in that dreadful place soon. I look at my leg where I had scraped it, it’s blue and has dark veins snaking from the deep scratch, I must’ve scratched it on something poisonous. I stumble out of the bathroom into my room, tears streaming down my face. My doctor is waiting for me, the patient smile instantly turning to alarm as he notices my leg, he calls for a bunch of nurses and suddenly I’m being carried to an operating room. I’m put on an operating table and my doctor is holding my hand. Staring at me with a smile that doesn’t meet his sorrowful eyes. “This wound is very hard to survive but I am going to do everything I can and I’m going to need you to fight along beside me if we are going to stand a chance of overcoming this.” I nod my head. Unable to find words instead I find myself sobbing my eyes out. I can feel reality slipping, flashes of black and white purgatory fill my visions as I fight to stay in life. I fail and find myself once again in a black and white version of the operating room. I can feel the doctor inserting a drip into my hand. Feel but cannot see him. “Doctor?” I ask. “Yes?” The reply came from an empty space beside me. “I’m in a black and white world, I’m told it’s purgatory.” I feel his hands hesitate on my hand, but he continues inserting the drip. “You’re hallucinating, everything is going to be okay.” He’s wrong. This is real. “No it’s not. I’m going to die. My mother was here, and this thing, an evil thing, it wants to k-“ the room changes, I’m still on my bed but I’m in the middle of some giant sitting room, thousands of human like creatures sitting around me but don’t seem to notice me. Everything is like a stuck record. They are all moving a couple inches to grab something or turn their heads to someone next to them to say something, etc, but they continue to boomerang back and forth between this. I tell my doctor this, suddenly they all stop, everything is quiet and still. Suddenly every single head in the room snaps in my direction, and in a flash they are surrounding my bed, staring down at me with malicious, deranged smiles and wide hungry eyes. I can hear the beeping from my heart monitor back in life going crazy, matching the harsh fast thumping in my chest. “Life is still in your body, how delicious.” Says the body at the end of my bed in a shrill female voice. Nothingness. I’m dead.