Little sister

Date: 6/25/2019

By cementspatula

My dream was about a boy I go to school with named Ben. Ben and I are kinda friends, we were on the same debate team when we were 12 (both debating against the death penalty) but I’ve never really been into him. It’s kinda weird but I like older guys, and anyway he has a girlfriend. In my dream we had done our debates not in the school but in cape cod on an overnight trip. During this trip him and I had had sex and I had gotten pregnant. I went off to a “boarding school” for a year before returning. The baby I had had was my younger sister, Grace, but we pretended that she was my mother’s baby. Once grace turned 6 we decided it was time to tell her and Ben that she was my kid. In reality I take care of her most of the time because my parents work. In the dream we told her and she was excited, she said she knew that I couldn’t have just been her sister and she felt like I was her mom. Telling Ben was a whole different story. I remember exactly what we said. It was: Me: remember the 8th grade debates? Him: yeah we were death penalty Me: and remember when we had sex? Him: yeah. I wasn’t very good was I? Me: you were not but you were 12 so that’s to be expected. Him: yeah, idk it was kinda nice tho. Me: remember how afterwards I went to private school? Him: yeah Me: well I went because I was pregnant. We have a six year old daughter. Him: what? You kept that from me for six years? Me: yeah, we pretended she was my mom’s for six years. We just told her mom yesterday Him: I want to meet her. So then he meets her but we don’t tell her he’s her dad, he’s just “mama’s friend”. Later that night as I’m putting her to bed I tell her that Ben is her dad. She says that she loves him and wants to call him daddy. It ends there.