The School Of Monsters

Date: 6/30/2018

By JaneWest

I was at this school building, very large, much like Hogwarts. It was christmas, breezes blowing outside the arid terrain, all dry and very little veggetation growing. Inside, was much like a prison. Bars on the high small windows, surveilance cameras and gaurds everywhere, bed times, alarm systems. It was school to us. I seemed to be the only human in the school the rest were monsters such as mutated monster flys, blobs of talking goop, every kind of thing imaginable. I had Amnesia, forgetting a lot of what I did at school and what happened, and if memories came back theyd come in flashing floods. It was class time when suddenly something went wrong in the building with the ventilation so we went out for lunch again. They had donuts. I followed a monster that was bullied a lot to try and make freinds. We talked a little and I smiled. Christmas was supposed to be cheery. I had glued desks down so they do not shake so much when used before but kids got the concept to use that to bully others, gluing them to chairs and such. She had been a victim. I tried cheering her up with little success, the poor orange monster. She had her uniform on and blonde hair, having no neck just a block of a body. We were heading back to class when they called another break. I guess it still wasnt working so now they were giving out tacos with the tortilla in oil. I was in line when the bell rang. I got a flash of memories, all at once how One of the ministers didnt believe I did magic as Hes never seen it, and memories of me lighting a room in the building with green fire, causing a spark on a special torch. I tried reconnecting woth my power, feeling around the school mentally, restricted to the lunch area and accidently made a blue flame around the area, infecting the food with the fire. I just grabbed from the bottom untouched food, but others refused to eat. The blue fire seemed like a disease., infecting food and students touched alive with bubbles of puss growing on their body .