
Date: 10/11/2018

By iromochii

Starts off with me leaving the spring market (same but the parking lot looks oldtimy, along with the rest of town that was no longer Waskom. I am there, balance myself on the bridge as I hear someone (mom? sister? friend?) talking about how they think I am anorexic due to me eating a chocolate bar. We are suddenly back 'home', an antique mansion that was at least three stories high. I also knew that I was in Salem. I am wearing a goth lolita dress as I search through the house for something to eat. After awhile, I give up, everyone in the house now asleep. I got over to a piano that was in the middle of the hallway and started playing it (all of the notes weren't where they were supposed to be), scared that I would wake up my great grandfather that was also living with us. Someone soon joined me, sitting on the bench, staring down at the piano. I started playing that 'guess whos back' song randomly It cuts again to where I am with mother, looking at the security cameras with her. All seems normal until a demon-like creature, a complete shadow started walking towards the camera. Soon after, more and more terrifying creatures came towards the camera. At one point, the screen stopped, one of the monsters getting extremely closer to us. Me and mother relaxed, me saying 'oh hey, its the main menu screen for us'. So does that mean we are living in a game? I go outside with this one girl, perhaps a friend or girlfriend (seeing how we were really close) we walked far from the house before I looked back at it and exclaimed, 'the house is so ugly!' Despite being in Salem, I knew that just behind the forest was New York City. Me and the girl walk into the forest, searching for the cameras to see if we could find anything. After awhile, we found one in a little observatory area. The camera clicked on and we could hear my father's voice on the other side of the camera (which was back at home). We talked to him for awhile before the camera went out. We continued walking around until we were on a highway, the 7th Grader Bryan had gotten extremely bad injuries. Suddenly Zache had replaced the girl and me and him ran to his side. We carried him over to a glass pizza van, which I recall experiences before. At first, I am in the drivers seat, him in the back (which doesn't have any seats) tending to Bryan's wounds. Then I suggest we switch, since I was more experienced with medical and he was better at driving. He agrees and then I am kneeling next to Bryan, helping him. I soon get distracted as I look outside the window. Suddenly we are in Marshall, Texas, on the main highway, it raining hard. My dress had faded away and I was wearing what I usually wear. ...and thats all I remember