Corrupt Gov, Huge Lion, and Bugs

Date: 10/20/2018

By TastesLikeWallpaper

There was this expedition into space that five or six people went on. They were in some kind of abandoned building because they were hiding from a space government agency who wore all white. I was one of the space expedition astronauts, and we got word that the space government would be sending agents to where we were. An Asian lady I had become friends with told me the news, and we started gathering our things together. Soon it was the day the agents were to come. The lady and I hid in this closet and watched through a hole in the door at the people coming in. The people were wearing all white, but they did not act like agents. They acted like tourists. They walked around and took pictures and pointed at things and took more pictures. One wandered over to our closet door and tried to open in, but my friends and I held the knob, so the tourist gave up. Shortly after the people came in, the government agents arrived, dressed in white, with their white guns. From the closet, we watched the rest of our astronaut friends get rounded up and set aside. We were relieved, because we had been certain the agents came to kill us. The government agents then turned to the tourist people and lined them up in lines of about five people long. The lady and I watched through the door as a government agency shot and killed each one of the tourists. One agent stood in front of each line, and they shot the first one in line in their face. After that person died, the next person in line had to step up and be shot. I looked over to the table where our friends were and noticed that they were filling out some sort of form. Quickly, I dashed out of the closet and grabbed a form to fill out. I don’t remember exactly what the form said, but it was something unrelated to the violent crime we just witnessed. Stunned, I realized that these people were crazy. Instead of the form asking something about who we are, or threatening us not to speak of what we saw, it was something to do with the luggage we would be carrying when we left. I filled out my form and I tried to convince my friend to join me on the trip back home. She resisted at first, but then I convinced her to come with me. She departed with us and we got on the plane. I said something about us getting off the planet and going back home and she said to me, “I never meant to make it this far”. I asked her what she meant, and she expressed to me that she wish she had stayed on the planet to die. After that, I didn’t see her again. The plane dropped us off at a fancy hotel. It had marble and granite everywhere, large sweeping stairways, impressive lobbies, grand window views, etc. I settled into my room alone. I didn’t see any of the other astronauts I was on the plane with. I left my room and I went around the hotel on some kind of skateboard or rollerblades, and rode around and looked in on people’s lives. I passed a tourist group and guide. The guide said, “And here is the room where my parents copulated to make me in,” while gesturing to a room on her right. I skated past them and headed for a group of teenagers in the hallway. They seemed kind of emo. Three of them were wearing cat ear headbands, and one of them was wearing black and white striped sleeves. Most of them were wearing black, and the one girl had some sort of band shirt on. Their conversation stopped as a rode through the group, and I waved at them, which none of them returned. I continued down the hallway which opened to the grand lobby. I took a right and made an arch, then went down a different hallway. I passed the room of a black lady. She was staring out of her room door as I passed. I don’t remember how, but I learned from her that her husband I was cheating on her. I don’t remember what happened next, but I was no longer in my body. Instead, I was a floating narrator. There was a clearing with long stairs and I watched the astronauts slowly walk to and up it. I assume this was their welcoming back ceremony. As they walked, the crowd applauded and cheered for them. After looking at that for a little while, there was a time skip, and now instead of the ceremony, there was a black female politician speaking into a microphone while being filmed. She stood at the top of the large stairway and told the crowd that they were currently under attack by the enormous lion that lived in the land. People panicked. They started asking her questions, valid questions, about where the attack was, and how far away was he from them, and if the city was going to do anything about it. The politician lady did not answer any of the questions. The crowd thronged the stairs, trying to reach the top to either get away from lion, or to get to the politician lady and force her to answer their questions. I closely followed two random people from the crowd, a black man and woman. They did not know each other, but they both talked to each other as they climbed the stairs. There was this curvy elevator thing where the person hung onto the rails as they were transported through the air. There was no protection, and the person could easily fall off if they let go. The man and woman hung on and were taken up and around on the escalator. I watched them and felt a growing sense of horror. My hunch turned out to be correct. The escalator ended abruptly over a large pit, where it shook, causing the people to fall off. In that pit was the lion. The lion was gigantic. It was about as tall as a supermarket. When the people fell into the pit, it roared and gnashed its teeth at them. It was a horrible sight, really. With every passing second, the pit filled up with people more people. The entire ground of the pit was covered with people, and the lion walked on them, killing some in the process. The lion tried to catch falling people in its mouth, and when it did, it ripped them apart. There was a time skip of a few minutes, and then I was watching two flying bugs, whose names I don’t remember, but started with G and K. They were friends, and they were flying over the carnage the lion was creating. After watching what was happening, K and G flew away, saying that they were glad that they weren’t part of it. G said some offhanded comment about the lion, and to their horror, he heard them and immediately stopped tearing up people and looked at them. They took off, and so did the lion. G and K were chased all over the place for a few minutes, with K berating G for insulting the lion. G said that they should split up because the lion can’t chase both of them at the same time, so they did. Unfortunately for K, the lion chased him after they split, and he frantically flew away as the lion chased him. K flew over a cliff, knowing that the lion couldn’t follow, but at the last second the lion reached out his paw and grabbed him out of the air. Instead of killing him, the lion said, “Let me teach you how to dream,” in a rich, sonorous voice, which made K pause. Time skip and K, G, and the lion were sitting on a secluded cliff. The lion assures them that he wouldn’t eat them, and they learn that the lion’s name is Machta. G and K are really shocked that he can talk, because he’s never done it before. K is really surprised because he likes the sound of Machta’s voice. G asks if they should continue to refer to him as “King”. Machta hesitates, and then K suggests calling him “Dad” because half of the land is claimed as his. Machta likes “Dad” better than “King”. G asks Machta why he kills the people and if he will stop. Machta simply replies back, “I am a lion,” and does not say more.