this is weird... anyone else?

Date: 11/19/2018

By rubymay

this isn’t really a dream but it is to do with my latest one. the dream i had last night involved a pool party and strangely enough i can remember almost exactly what the pool looked like. this is strange because i’ve never seen a pool like this before. anyway i woke up thinking not much of it, wrote it down and continued with my day. i was sitting in class last period and i was looking on google maps for a country i was studying for geography. i went onto the street view and there was a small hut with a pool out the front that looked EERILY like the pool i dreamt about. like it was really weird. i sat there staring at it for ages thinking about how crazy it was. i’m guessing it was just a weird coincidence??? the feeling of seeing that pool was insane though. it was like déjà vu but i could tell exactly where i had seen it before. maybe déjà vu is just the feeling you get when you’ve dreamt of a similar scenario that you’re living through and you just don’t remember the dream?? i dunno, sounds kinda far-fetched but it’s just my theory lol