
Date: 5/4/2019

By toady1022

I think this dream really took inspiration from my deep set fears. In one part of this dream, i was in the back seat of a car with a student driver. At this time i felt a fear that I have NEVER felt before. I was so afraid, i could barely move. The fear was crippling. At this point, the driver made an abrupt stop and i was pretty scared for my life, so i jumped out of the car. I then realized i couldn't catch up to it. Thats when i saw him. A man dressed in ratty, torn garments walking on the side of the road carying a large shotgun. He then starts shooting up at the sky to get people's attention. Instinctually, i jump and hide behind the nearest car. In my current position, there was a lake to my back and a steep hill that led to it. The man then started shooting at random civilians. I felt a bullet hit me. I could FEEL IT. It was an intense feeling, that i never want to experience in real life. Anyway, then the man proclaims that he is going to kill everyone including the girl hiding back behind the car. He said "I can see you". He then came into my view on the right hand side of the car and started shooting at me. I felt bullets penetrate my skin and as i fell towards the lake, i remembered... I had a gun. So i pulled out what appeared to be a water gun from my pocket and started shooting. To my great disbelief, it shot bullets... Which was quite a relief. Still he continued to shoot at me, but i also shot at him, until i ran out of bullets that is. Suddenly, i realize that the young man has turned into Soper. He politely says "you can reload." I stood in the knee deep lake petrified. So he says "i will give you time to reload. I wont shoot you." So i did what any sane person would do: i reloaded my gun. It really bothered me that he was toying with me. Almost like it was a game. Once i have my gun reloaded we begin to shoot at eachother once more. But my wounds were too great to continue on, i could feel myself fading until eventually i fell. I fell right under the water which was at one point only at my knees, but now strangled the last life i had out of me with its cold dark grasp. Then I saw a dangerous looking woman start to walk closer above the water. Too afraid to face another fear, i woke up.