A strange world

Date: 11/16/2022

By votaco

So the dream starts with me traveling on this train car/ car navigating it through this dark world and the only thing I’m following is an illuminated path from time to time I turn on the lights to see what is around me (desert with grayish reddish sand ). The path is this greenish blue color that glows. At the end of the path I make it to the past. I talk to others and then I stay there for a certain amount of time. I go to class with other students and learn and then one day I tell them I’m going to leave. A few students also want to leave bc I’ve told them about how I got here and where I’m going to go next. Apparently I’m going back to the future to nyc. Then we pack up and get back onto my train car and travel together. However this time it’s not dark and it’s bright and we can see the scenery all around us. There are red and Gray canyons, red and grey sand. However, unlike before we make it to this top bc apparently k need to refuel and they need to go to the bathroom. Unfortunately, the stop is full of homeless looking people that look sketchy so we push onto the next stop which is a place with broken tracks. We get off and do our business and I and another student have to fix the tracks speedily so we can get to our next location. I don’t remember what happens in between but we make it to this base where I am a member of coalition 7. All of sudden I’m on a team ranked 7th most powerful in this organization and it’s time for me to eat. I’m greeted by the captain and vice captain who happen to be brad Pitt and Chris evans respectively. He leads me to the cafeteria that is buffet style and I grab a plate to grab my food all that is there is breakfast food. He grabs two glasses one of yellow liquid and one with water. The yellow liquid is some kind of alcohol. Since I’m the youngest in the team, the team leader brad Pitt has me sit between him and Chris evans. They make me drink the iced water and eat while they discuss their plans. For some reason, they’re assigning me to go on this mission that’s very dangerous which is again to the past but this time to a conspiracy about the death of a royal and a royal spy. I know it is dangerous so I get frustrated and run dramatically to a Steinway grand piano to play a sad piano song. The song happens to be kiss the rain by Yiruma. I’m so frustrated that I can barely read the sheet music and a lady at the piano tells me fo Joey write out the notes. Brad Pitt snd Chris evans have followed me and tell me that they agree I should just write out the notes. I get mad and spontaneously play the whole song. There’s a time skip and now I’m in nyc with two young adults and a child dressed in Barbie paraphernalia and we are going trick or treating. There’s a huge crowd of people and we seem to not be outside but in this huge mall. One of the two young adults picks me up and piggybacks me around the mall. At this point I have no idea why but since it’s a mission I just let him. However, as we continue trick or treating I learn that the child is the child of this rich royal guy and that I am that guys sister and dating his bodyguard (guy who picked me up). The child runs to this stage area where there’s a judge in front of a Lindt chocolate kiosk. The mom of the child is there and trying to get her daughter back. She is there with a red head friend ( this character will be important for later). Why I was important is bc my mission was to read what was on the divorce papers that the body I was occupying for the Mission gives to the judge. So I scan the papers briefly with a device from the future and then dramatically had the papers to the judge the child is in the hands of the body guard and the mother is being blocked by the other female body guard and her red head friend. The sister of the royal (me) stands next to the judge as he reads out the mothers sentence and how she is losing custody of her daughter. Strangely Enoguh I look at the mother and she looks similar to princess diana. I somehow know she is going to die. There is another time skip and I am back in my own body but preparing to get more information about the royals in the body of the royal spy the red head lady. I jump into her body and this time the lady is on the run. She’s being chased but needs to show up to act in this ad with the younger brother of the royal husband. The youngest rbeother happens to be this guy who looks like James Charles but with 1920s makeup and a stockier torso with longer limbs. He’s dressed in this lacy white leotard and they are acting out an ad for a commercial. I don’t know what the commercial is for but the red hair lady has wavy hair and the set is in this pool with floating platforms and a dock. They finish the commercial and the lady stares at the James Charles man in fear. In her mouth happens to be this sd card full of information that I put there but she collected. She runs and swims away from him as he chases her down to choke her to death. I can only watch and not help bc this is what actually happens in the past. I’m leaving her body but still watching her from afar as she makes it to a public area with other people in the pool. James Charles man does care and chokes her underwater. He leaves her barely breathing and I back in my own body fish her out. I act like a concerned citizen who just saw her and bring her to a military official out in the grass pasture near the pool. She hands me the sd card herself and I walk away but then run through the mall to escape to the parking garage. I meet a coalition 14 who help me into their gray Volvo car and we escape the mall. We have to go to this next location in lower Manhattan. Then the dream ends.

AI generated interpretation Your dream appears to be a symbolic representation of your apprehension about the unknown and your desire to understand and control it. The illuminated path you follow signifies your search for direction and purpose. The grey and reddish desert represents a harsh, bleak environment where it feels that it can be challenging to find your way. The train car symbolizes a sense of movement and progress through life. The dark and the bright aspects of the journey may represent a sense of uncertainty and hope, respectively. The homeless people you encounter meanwhile represent feelings of fear, insecurity, and vulnerability. Your role as a member of the coalition represents the desire to be a part of a larger group or community. The fact that you were assigned a risky mission may signify your feeling of being capable of taking on challenges beyond your comfort zone. Your frustration towards the mission may represent uncertainty in what could happen in the future, and the piano playing of Kiss the Rain by Yiruma may be a symbol of your desire for emotional release and introspection. The final part of your dream represents a complex mix of family, identity, responsibility, and mission. Trick or treating shows a desire for innocence and playfulness. The revelation that you were the sister of the royal guy and dating the bodyguard may signify the desire to feel a sense of responsibility and to be in a position of power. The divorce papers may represent feelings of betrayal or secrecy, and the fact that you were able to uncover them may signify a desire for information or truth. The mother's resemblance to Princess Diana may represent themes related to fame, power, or legacy. The final scene with the act in the ad shows a desire for success, attention, or recognition. Overall, your dream appears to represent a complex mix of emotions, desires, and fears. It may suggest that you are exploring your identity, your goals, and your aspirations, and that you are seeking a sense of direction or purpose in life. You may be concerned about the unknown or the future, but you also appear to have a desire to explore and make progress.