Post-flood space

Date: 9/23/2019

By ItsABlackCat

So basically I had this dream where I was in charge of this decently sized spaceship. And it was after a war, which had (somehow) flooded like all of these ships in space. Which I don’t know how they flooded but they did. And anyways a ton of people died but I was going through the flooded ships, subnautica style, looting what I could, and also trying to find ‘clues’ as to what happened, because I didn’t know much about the war since I had been in some sort of coma until after it happened. I was like grabbing these high-tech phones, tablets and even just plain old newspapers to try and get an idea of what happened. Anyways when I was on one of the flooded ships I heard noise and went upwards in the ship, and the water started decreasing in level. At the very top, just because of the way the ship was slanted, there was a dry area. And in there I found two little girls, one was basically Lizzo but like as a ten year old. They had been living off of the stuff on the ship and weren’t doing so well. I took them to my ship, gave them a place to sleep, a shower, new clothes (salvaged from other ships) and food. My ship was somewhat self-sustainable because it had an oxygen maker thing, it made water (in small amounts) in this machine, and it even had some sort of farm-thing which helped to give me food. So I wasn’t worried about ‘wasting’ resources or anything. The girls told me their parents had been killed in the flood and they had just been waiting on the ship, for resources to run out or for the ship to explode. They said that there were a lot of other kids like them. Which I knew what was coming after they told me that. I have a huge hero complex, and in the dream I also had a decent ship. So from there I started going around to the flooded ships and looting like normal except I would check higher up for more kids. For some reason I only found kids. But I found like ten kids total, maybe a dozen. All of them were given refuge on my ship. Skip forwards and somehow I’m in the universe of Voltron. I have the paladins on my ship. I’m in Lance’s room, which is an absolute mess. Kieth comes in and is scowling and rolling his eyes at the mess. Then Lance and Kieth start talking intimately. I get the feel that something is going on so I leave to let them be alone together. Then I wake up.