House Party

Date: 8/30/2017

By InvisabelleSpasian

I call it a house party, but it seemed more like a family reunion, and I was that awkward cousin who just felt out of place, mostly because I was the only Asian there. I mean, technically, it could be a house party, because I was at someone's house that I didn't know and surrounded by strangers. They were all having a good time and chatting and laughing and eating snacks and drinking like there's no tomorrow, the whole shebang. And then there was me, awkwardly crouching in the corner of the driveway near the homeowner's red truck. I was eating a hot dog or a baked potato, something like that, and honestly, I wasn't really eating it, I just kinda had it in my hands and carried it with me to have my hands full. There were people coming in and coming out of the large white house, and I just kept my back up against the huge garage door. They were talking, but their conversations were indistinct, no matter how closer they passed by me. I just kept to myself, staying silent and staring at the passerbys, still holding onto my food. I poked around the tire of the truck from time to time and some pebbles of the driveway. Then, I heard a voice. "Hey." I looked up to see a man. He seemed familiar, dark golden hair and bright blue eyes, with a charming smile and muscles hiding underneath a loose and comfy looking shirt. "Why don't you come inside?" He asked. I shrugged, because I really don't know why. "Not a fan of crowds?" I paused, then bobbed my head a little. He wasn't wrong. He gestured a hand at the driveway. "May I?" So I scooted over, giving him space to where he sat down next to me. I was closer to the truck now where he had most of the space and air. As I held my breath, he exhaled contently. "Hey, this isn't bad." He looked at me, and I watched his eyes get wider as he noticed how much space I had. "Oh, shit." He suddenly stood up and stuck a hand out to me. I took it and stood up with him and followed him inside the house, passing by other people. I think it was this man's house, because everyone seemed to know him and kept complimenting how great the party was and such. We went upstairs to his room, where he closed and locked the door behind us. Then, we chilled in his bed to where we just chatted, sharing laughs and smiles to where we kicked each other's butts in some video game that reminded me of Call of Duty. Someone knocked on the door and said something about the party. The man stood up and told me to wait as he gave me a kind smile and made his way out the door. I silently waited, lying on the bed patiently to where I felt so tired that I decided to doze off. It was weird, dreaming that I was falling asleep. Very ironic to a point I swear I was giggling in my sleep. Truly relaxing and content, no worries whatsoever. For some reason in some of my dreams, the perspective shifts from first-person to third-person from time to time, so I could see myself lying in my side towards the window and snuggling up against a pillow, drifting to sleep. My sight was mainly focused on me, but then I could hear the door opening and closing again, and a soft chuckle. There were footsteps walking around the room, and the light got dimmer as the sound of the curtains were being drawn closed. Then, there was another door being closed, and a shower being turned on. After a while, my vision got shifted back into first-person, to where I only saw darkness. But a bit of light entered my eyes as I heard movement occurring around me, to where I could feel it on the bed, making me shift around a little bit. I started to wake up and looked around, seeing how everything was darker and blurrier than before. I could see that the TV was on, the volume being very low but the sounds of the people still noticeable. I could hear more movement, but it was faint and slow. I woke up more when I felt an arm wrapping around me. Terrified, I turned around to see the man again, smiling as he pulled up the duvet up to my shoulders. With a laugh, he apologized for scaring me as he snuggled closer behind me. I could tell he just finished taking a shower by how damp his hair was. And the fact he had no shirt on. Flustered, I turned away, and tried to focus on the window as I apologized on dozing off. But then, I felt him leaning in, getting closer to my ear. I could feel his breath bouncing off as he whispered. "Please don't forget about me." Everything shattered, and then I woke up.