Family Trip Drama

Date: 5/21/2019

By CocoFuze

We were going on a family trip. I was pack my bags. As I was, my mom was fussing about some of the things I was packing. I was getting annoyed with it and started to argue with my mom about why I was packing those things for the trip. It was to the point that my parents were trying to leave me, because they thought I was being disrespectful. They went on one stop before leaving, which was one of my mom's friend's house. I complained to her friend about how my mom was being ridiculous. I kept following them around to make sure they didn't leave me. Mom ended coming back home with me. I ended up walking to the basement to walk around and cool off for a while. I was on my way back up to the main level off the house, when cereal started falling from the ceiling and milk started coming through the walls and electrical plugs. I was getting to yell up to my mom about it, when I saw her pouring cereal with and milk down the stairs.