Tackle the Waves

Date: 4/2/2019

By wahblamy

I remember swimming across the harbor...it was really choppy and mixed up water and I struggled through it a little bit and the while being afraid of the deepness, what may lie beneath. Then I decided to get a personal trainer, I think it was Kevin Baker (and if it wasnt, they sure embodied him). We chatted a little bit, he was Irish and I was trying my hardest to remember an Irish saying about love, it went something like: When the right one comes into your life you'll let her walk on your brain...something like that but I was trying to remember it and speak with a great and hilarious accent as well. He told me my memory problems came from social media use. I agreed. So we kind of went over some details...about what we would be doing and what I would be eating but not much. He wanted me to get out there and swim the harbor again. I told him it was choppy and difficult and that I was scared. Basically he said he'd be there with me. I wanted more details,maybe a distraction or deflection to use up time. Then boom, we're in the water... I am swimming and the top of the water is sloshing and white, it's really sunny out and I am literally swimming from Dartmouth to Halifax and back again. On the way there I have an air of "I'm doing it!!!" And then on the way back and dive right under the water and swim the whole way back under water. It's crystal clear, cold and bright. I have my eyes open and I can see the cleanliness of the sand floor and the sun shining through. It's almost easier under the water... I get to the other side and feel an amazing sense of accomplishment. Now, me and my Irish guide are talking about plans. I can kind of remember some stuff about my food plans and exercise plans. I remember Sabby being there and being proud of me. Irish guide and I were outside of a house at a picnic table and the house was Brenna's. There was a giant, probably 6 foot tall ham hanging from a hook outside the door. It had the face of a famous actor on it...I wish I could remember who.... There was another part of me going into a room with all of my friends and Erica stood out because she looked terrible but she didn't want to talk about it...kind of a negative vibe from her. It was an amazing dream with more detail that I don't have time to write. Thank you!