Date: 11/17/2016
By Fileacethedragon
We were adopting a 12 year old boy (I think it was Isaac from IS). I was standing in the back of a line waiting to adopt him, in front of us was Mrs.O and Andi O and another couple I didn't recognize. After the couple had left two girls walked over and stood next to Isaac, one of them was around 12 and the other was 9. When it was our turn we walked up to a lady behind the counter and my parents handed her a bunch of paperwork. Once the lady had looked through all the paperwork she said we could take them home. Next part: we were all standing in the living room. My mom told me to show the others around so I took them upstairs. Took them into the big bedroom and told the girls that it was there room. Everything was the same about the room except the walls were beige and Bries bed was facing the was it used to. They looked around for a bit then sat down next to one another. "Do you want me to show you something cool?" I asked, Isaac and older girl said that they were fine but the younger girl followed me. We walked through the closet into this big cavern made out of red and black rock. I don't remember what happened until the end. The girl and I were walking across a bit of rock that was like a bridge over this canyon thing with steeply slanting walls, when we tripped and slid over the side. The bottom of the ravine was about 12 feet below us. We were hanging on to the side of the bridge for dear life, Jared W and some kid I don't know walked up to us (I'll call the other kid Jake because I think that was his name). I started yelling for help. Jared was about to put me up but Jake started telling him stuff like, "don't ,she's faking it," "she's just trying to make you feel sorry for her," and "she isn't actually in trouble, she's just being a brat," the hole time I'm pleading with Jared trying to get I'm to help me. ( at some point the other girl just disappeared) I'm losing my grip and start sliding over the edge, i begin to cry and beg Jared to save me, "she's faking it don't give her what she wants," Jake said, Jared took a step back from me and I fell. The dream sort of panned out and I saw my self laying on the rocks at the bottom of the ravine.