Date: 2/19/2023
By hellbound
I was in a strange place. It was some kind of downtown area. It did not look familiar. Jack Downing was around. It was dark. He was following me around, but he was way behind me, trying to make it seem he wasn't. I was suddenly in Rock Island, at the old apartment. There were a bunch of packages sitting in front of the door. A woman came along, she said she'd help me take them inside. There was an apartment with the door open, it wasn't mine. The woman put the packages in that apartment. I was with my mom and dad. I wanted to go to a mall, but my mom didn't want me to go by myself, so they went with me. I needed to get chlorine for the swimming pool. We went to a mall, and I didn't recognize it at all. It had two levels and was quite beautiful. There were a lot of empty stores, though. The Sears was absolutely massive, it covered nearly the entire mall. My mom was following me around, and my dad was somewhere else in the mall. We went into Clare's to look at stuff, even though my mom wasn't happy about it. They had a bunch of grunge stuff from the 90s, like notebooks with Nirvana on them. My mom was angry and irritated and didn't want to be there. I said you didn't have to come with. She was telling me how smart she was, and she said she was better educated than me. I said how is that possible? You never went to college! I was very angry. We went to the very back of the mall. There were a bunch of old televisions set up all over the place, TVs from the 1980s. There were telescopes and cameras. my mom was calling my dad on a cell phone, but couldn't get good enough reception to get him. I decided to sneak away from my mother. I went into Sears, and looked at clothing for little boys, I was looking for something for Will. There were red overalls that I really liked, but everything was way too expensive. I went into Border's. Everyone had 1980s haircuts. The store was empty, though. There were no books and a sign said going out of business. I couldn't find my mom and dad. I was in Moline, at Southpark Mall. For some strange reason, I was living there. I was living there with a group of people. We didn't want to go outside. The mall was practically abandoned. Various people were living in different stores. I was living in the old Younkers store. I went into one part of the store, and there were a bunch of military men sitting at a table. They said they were from all over the country, but they wouldn't say why they were there in front of me. Some guy was trying to rig a vehicle so we could drive around and see what was happening. He finally got it working, so we went around the block. There were scantily clad women that looked like prostitutes. They were holding signs, but I couldn't tell what they said. Everything was boarded up. There was a Wendy's that was bombed out. There was a strange building that looked very nice, it said "Saint Joseph". We went back to the mall. There was a very strange headstone that said "RIP to the fountains that used to be here and the 1987 Moline Cheerleader Class".
AI generated interpretation This dream could be interpreted as a reflection of your current feelings of confusion and insecurity. The unfamiliar setting and people in the first part of the dream could represent your anxiety about the unknown or unfamiliar. The mall in the second part of the dream could symbolize a desire for safety and security, as malls are typically seen as safe and comfortable places. The military men in the dream could represent your feelings of being overwhelmed and controlled, as military men are usually seen as symbols of authority. The prostitutes in the dream could symbolize your feelings of being exposed and vulnerable. The headstone at the end of the dream could symbolize your feelings of regret for the past and nostalgia for a simpler time.