Astral projection…

Date: 2/23/2024

By DreamBabyCloud

Awoke at 5am. Immediately began some meditation. Before I knew it, I was intentionally projecting my body off the bed and to the ceiling. Freaked my cat out. Lol Will be doing that each morning to practice the astral projection. Wow! Also, my friend, P.. had arrived next to me, in spirit. I asked her why J. Seemed to nil and void in her photos. Something about every time P tries to call J, there’s no answer or cal back from J. Something about J’s boyfriend having plumbing issues. Then apparently I fell asleep after projecting. I was at a funeral where this blonde woman kept hugging me. I wanted to look at the body but couldn’t. Something about a shoe sale where this one brand has diamonds on the shoes. Also, an INCREDIBLE helicopter ride! The handsome pilot I knew in my dream. But now “awake”, I have no clue who he is. I’m sending a guide of mine.